
User rating:
4 Yays 11 Nays

25 Hot Female Web Designers

Proof that sex sells- I'm posting this entry against my better judgment.
User rating:
1 Yays 4 Nays

13 free CMS options Reviewed

A review of 13 free CMS systems fit for a professional site.
User rating:
4 Yays 4 Nays

10 Best Sources of Ajax/Javascript Examples

In this collection, you will find 10 excellent websites and blogs that provide high-quality examples and tutorials on Ajax and Javascript .
User rating:
2 Yays 2 Nays

1000+ FREE high-Resolution GIMP brushes

1000+ high-Resolution GIMP brushes that will be perfect for any project you may happen to be working on. Also you will find some useful tutorial to teach you how to create your first GIMP brush-set.
User rating:
4 Yays 19 Nays

Uber Round Color Tabs

A nice CSS menu with tabs that are well rounded on each side. The color of the tabs can be customized using CSS color values alone.
User rating:
16 Yays 6 Nays

CSS display: table

Another article that looks at using CSS2's display:table property to create table like layouts using just DIV tags.
User rating:
8 Yays 4 Nays

The Return of Table-Based Layout (Well, Sort Of)

CSS2's "display" property lets you create column layouts that emulate tables in complexity, and with IE8's support of it, CSS layouts is about to really take off.
User rating:
15 Yays 5 Nays


Another color combination resource for your design inspiration.
User rating:
3 Yays 4 Nays

50+ High Resolution Textures, Tutorials and Resources

Here are tons of convenient stock textures that others have freely contributed to the design community!
User rating:
4 Yays 8 Nays

18 Creative Examples of Typography & Paragraphs

Paragraph typography and design is a subject many web designers don't pay enough attention to. Here are 18 creative examples to give you reason to.

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